How To Set Up Askbot As Your Q&A Site

Askbot is a Django so you'll need python. If you want to build your own python, make sure configure it with ssl support. In my case I tried to build python 2.7.8 with ssl support, configure --with-ssl doesn't work, so...

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How To Migrate From Blogger

There is a very clear step from here

Install jekyll-import

sudo gem install jekyll-import 

Export Blogger content

  • login to

  • click Settings -> Other -> Export Blog -> Download Blog

Import using jekyll-import

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Change hostname in Mac OSX 10.5

Change in System Preferences/Sharing won't affect the hostname in terminal prompt.

To change it properly, use:

sudo scutil --set HostName yourname.local

login again you'll see the new hostname by typing

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How to install ArchLinux in VirtualBox on Mac OSX 10.6

Note this is written in 2012


Download core iso file: archlinux-2011.08.19-core-x86_64.iso

Download checksum: sha1sums.txt

Install md5sha1sum:

brew install md5sha1sum 

Check integrity:

sha1sum --check sha1sums.txt zsh: correct 'sha1sum' to 'shasum' 
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Arch Linux on Raspberry Pi

Setup your SD card

Follow this guide

I used the MacOS command line version, as the (mostly graphical interface) version forgot to mention changing disk3s1 to rdisk3

After the dd command, you should be able to read your card...

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